How an Auburn home inspector found storm damage, plumbing leaks, microbial growth, and insulation issues. Save money with infrared inspections. Learn more now.


When purchasing a home, a thorough inspection is crucial to ensure that you are aware of any existing issues or potential risks. In Auburn, homeowners can benefit from the expertise of a professional Auburn Home Inspector, who can identify problems that may go unnoticed to the untrained eye. This article will highlight a recent Auburn Home Inspection of a 3/2 garden home in Auburn, focusing on the findings related to storm damage, plumbing leaks, attic microbial growth, and insulation issues detected by using infrared. By addressing these major defects and safety concerns, the homeowner was able to save a substantial amount of money.

Identifying Storm Damage and Roof Condition:

The Auburn home inspector found that the property's roof had suffered storm damage and was also nearing the end of its expected lifespan. Storm damage can compromise the roof's integrity, leading to leaks, structural issues, and further damage. By detecting this problem early on, the homeowner could address the roof repairs promptly, preventing more severe damage and costly repairs down the line. Moreover, being aware of the roof's condition allowed the homeowner to negotiate repairs or factor in the cost of replacement during the buying process.

Uncovering Plumbing Leaks:

Plumbing leaks are common issues in residential properties and can cause significant damage if left unattended. During the inspection, the Auburn home inspector discovered multiple plumbing leaks. Identifying these leaks was essential to prevent potential water damage, mold growth, and structural issues. By promptly addressing the plumbing leaks, the homeowner mitigated the risk of further damage, saved on potential water bills, and ensured a safe living environment for their family.

Detecting Attic Microbial Growth and Ventilation Issues:

The inspection revealed the presence of microbial growth in the attic, which can pose health risks to the occupants if not addressed promptly. Additionally, the bathroom vents terminated into the attic instead of being properly routed to the exterior. Improper ventilation can lead to moisture buildup, creating a favorable environment for mold growth and compromising indoor air quality.

By detecting the microbial growth and ventilation issues, the Auburn home inspector provided the homeowner with valuable insights into potential health hazards and the need for corrective measures. Addressing these issues promptly can prevent the spread of mold spores throughout the home and improve the overall air quality.

Spotting Insulation Issues:

Insulation plays a crucial role in maintaining a comfortable and energy-efficient home. During the inspection, the Auburn home inspector noticed a heat sink on the front wall of the property where the insulation had been improperly installed and had slid down. This defect compromised the home's energy efficiency, leading to increased heating and cooling costs.

By identifying this insulation issue, the homeowner was able to take appropriate action, either by repairing or replacing the insulation. Correcting insulation problems helps to enhance energy efficiency, reduce utility expenses, and maintain a comfortable living environment.

Saving Money through Inspection:

By conducting a comprehensive inspection and uncovering major defects and safety concerns, the Auburn home inspector enabled the homeowner to negotiate repairs or adjust the purchase price accordingly. Addressing these issues before finalizing the purchase saved the homeowner significant money that would have otherwise been spent on costly repairs and replacements in the future. The inspection report provided a clear roadmap for the necessary repairs and gave the homeowner peace of mind in their investment.

The Importance of Infrared Inspections:

Infrared inspections, also known as thermal imaging inspections, are an invaluable tool for home inspectors. These inspections use specialized cameras to detect temperature differences and identify potential issues that may not be visible to the naked eye. In the case of this Auburn home inspection, infrared technology likely played a role in identifying insulation
